Another Europe.The Italian Communist Party’s international policy from Eurocommunism to the end of the Cold War
Italian Communist Party; Europe; Eurocommunism; Cold War; Global HistoryAbstract
This article reconstructs the evolution of the Italian Communist Party’s foreign policy from the early 1970s to the dissolution of the party in 1991.The results of a series of researches carried out by the author in the last decade will be synthetically re-elaborated, comparing them with other recent acquisitions of historiography. In particular, the pci’s relationship with the “European question” will be analysed starting from what the most recent historiography has identified as a peculiarity of Italian communism: the ability to size its political action within the framework of the link between national and international, building a cultural universe and an initiative capable of breaking out of the marxism-leninism orthodoxy and forms of vertical dependence between the Soviet state and the communist movement.
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