El disseny d’uns quaderns de Pràcticum des de la millora docent i el treball coresponsable per a la transferència de competències i el desenvolupament professional
Practicum, tutors, competencies, teaching innovation, guidance notebooksAbstract
This article aims to provide an innovative experience based on an action research for the construction of an educational process focused on the student supervision into practical placement in the studies of Social Education at the University of Barcelona. First, we present the conceptual framework for the learnings in practical placements. Secondly, we go into the methodology of the action-research study in depth. The study pretends to analyze, clarify and promote the competences and conditions of the learning process which was done thanks to an awarded grand for develop innovative teaching projects (2008MQD155). Then, as a result of the research we present a guidance notebooks address to support the teaching in the practical placements. Finally, we offer conclusions, thoughs and questions on the experience to get involved in the construction trough a participatory process of the guidance notebooks which pretend to help the transference to other educational realities of higher education.References
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