Soft skills learning with social challenges




Platform, Challenges, Hybrid Teaching, Leadership, Competencies


An educational innovation project carried out in the first and second courses 20-21 and 21-22 of the Leadership Title of the San Pablo CEU University of Madrid is presented. During this academic year, a new educational project based on mixed virtual teaching (hybrid) has been launched in both courses, where the masterclass or more theoretical sessions have been complemented with a challenge based learning linked to the subjects of both courses, applying the Design Sprint methodology, for which the Teams platform has been used. The objective was to make the student participate in their training process, by seeking an experiential learning of soft skills, typical of any leadership course, applying agile work methods, which are increasingly used in companies. In this sense, challenge-based learning has been an experience where participants have developed solutions that require an interdisciplinary and creative approach for the development of these soft skills.


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