Wikireflection: a virtual learning space for reflection and understanding of theoretical sources




Wiki, Collaborative learning, Reflective thinking, Social Work


The educational and academic potentialities that the Wiki tool allows in university education are multiple. The Wiki tool consists of a virtual page for collaborative writing, where students can add and change the contents of the page. This tool facilitates educational strategies such as a greater interaction between students and teachers -and between peers- and a deeper understanding of the content, while enhancing reasoned reflection and favoring the expression of own ideas. To do this, we have created a learning space called Wikireflection, which we develop as part of a course of the Social Work Degree at the University of Barcelona. This initiative has been recognized as innovative teaching by the Vice-Rector’s Office for Teaching Policy and by the Research, Innovation and Improvement of Teaching and Learning Program (RIMDA, University of Barcelona).

In this article we explore the potentialities of this virtual tool that allow to improve the reflection and understanding of the course’s bibliography. We reflect on the pedagogical bases that support this learning space in the context of the course. Next, we place the Wiki activity in the framework of our teaching, explain its development and organization and finally show the results that are being produced with the use of the Wiki.


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