TFC: End of Studies Tutorial (stands for Catalan "Tutoria de Final de Carrera)


  • Claudi Mans Teixidó Universitat de Barcelona



Tutorial, Curriculum, Competence.


This paper presents the author’s experience as a tutor of Chemical Engineering degree students at the University of Barcelona. It presents a tool called TFC (standing for “Tutoria de Final de Carrera” in Catalan; end of studies tutorial) aimed at helping the student, in a practical and realistic way, in the last stages of their studies and in the afterwards.

The aim of this activity is to reduce the students’ doubts in a moment where important decisions for their professional and personal future need to be taken. It also aims at enhancing their self-esteem, giving them accurate information on master studies and professional world, helping them at evaluating their own aptitudes and capacities and, finally, enhancing their confidence.

In this activity the students take part in a group session, followed by an individual interview with the aims mentioned before. The “competence based curriculum” is highlighted as an example of the students’ progress. This activity results in an increase of students’ satisfaction and self-esteem, a more effective approach to the transition into the professional world and more self-confidence for the students.


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