Matesquizzes: an open space for creation and sharing of adaptive quizzes for pre-university math learning


  • Marc Guinjoan Francisco Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
  • Joana Vilallonga Pons Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
  • Teresa Sancho Vinuesa Universitat Oberta de Catalunya



Open digital resources, Online mathematics, Automatic feedback, Online learning, Adaptive quizzes.


The creation, use and sharing of digital resources in a teaching community become one of the key elements for improving the quality of education. This paper presents the motivation, creation and use of a space for the development and open publication of a collection of math digital adaptive quizzes with automatic assessment called Matesquizzes, developed under the CIRAX project. The purpose of this initiative is twofold: firstly, to encourage and support people who want to create such resources and, secondly, to facilitate their use by everyone. There are several features that led to the creation of a small community of teachers interested in creating Quizzes: the quizzes are created in a Moodle environment where they are used to work; the profitability of the automatic evaluation system; the adaptability to different levels of learning, and of course, the challenge of expanding the role of teaching beyond the classroom. The technology of WIRIS Quizzes ( and Adaptive WIRIS Quizzes ( modules developed by the team Maths for More that are fully integrated into the Moodle platform is the engine of these quizzes. Currently the Matesquizzes resources bank has 29 adaptive quizzes for both subjects Mathematics and Applied Mathematics to Social Sciences. After a test period, necessary to test and analyze the implementation strategy, the goal is to consolidate an educational community which will be a worldwide model not only for the educational resources that creates and develops but also for its teaching action.


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