The Assessment of teamwork competence in higher education
Competence, Teamwork, Self-assessment, Peer assessmentAbstract
This article aims to assess the competence of teamwork in higher education, to detect their potential and weaknesses. We contacted 180 students from various degrees and obtained a non-probabilistic sample. The methodology of this research was a self-assessment and peer assessment among members belonging to the same team and the instrument used for data collection was the Rubric RUTE- Rubric of teamwork competence. This multi-actors evaluation had a double application: on the one hand, the subject was evaluated based on the information provided by teammates, this process was known as peer assessment; and secondly, it was the subject who evaluated the competence of teamwork by himself, it was known as self-assessment. The results showed that the students in higher education were noted for their involvement in the achievements of the team, a sense of belonging within the team and their ability to anticipate problems and find a consensus solution. However, other dimensions of competence as coordination among all members, flexibility, adaptability and participation are elements to improveReferences
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