The feedback for improving learning: an experience in initial teacher training
Lesson plans, Formative assessment, Descriptive feedback, Future teachersAbstract
Written descriptive feedback, which derives from the practice of formative assessment, plays an important role in improving student learning, as it provides timely information to the student about the learning done, its difficulties, and directions for overcoming it. It was from this idea that, in the 2018/2019 school year, we conducted a descriptive feedback experiment written in the planification of the future teacher’s classes within the semiannual internship discipline. The objective of this experiment was to verify if this feedback would contribute to the improvement of their learning in the student’s referred task of the teaching practice. This feedback indicated what was good within the given classes and what they needed to improve or correct, as well as guidance to do so. With this, we found that students were improving their performance in preparing their lesson plans throughout the semester, overcoming the difficulties diagnosed at the beginning of this task.References
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Decreto-Lei nº 79/2014, de 14 de maio: Regime jurídico de habilitação para a docência português.
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