Perception of usefulness of Moodle tools and use of the virtual campus by students of the Podiatry Degree
Moodle, Perceived usefulness, Use of virtual campus, Undergraduate students, PodiatryAbstract
This work presents the students’ perception of the usefulness and the students’ behaviour of the virtual campus (VC) of the Orthopodiatry I, a subject of the Podiatry Degree throughout the academic year 2019/20. A survey was prepared to study the students’ perception and logs generated in Moodle were exported, refined and subsequently analyzed. Additionally, the relationships between the use of the VC and academic performance, gender and age were examined. All 106 students enrolled in the subject generated 53,397 logs. Only 33.96% of the class completed the survey. The average number of actions per student carried out in VC was 503.75±226.26. The actions with the highest participation were the access to the system (38.67%), access to resources (19.54%) and quizzes (10.11%). 97.2% of the respondents liked the presentation of the virtualized subject and a 58% rated the resources provided as good. The highest rated tools and learning objects were the teacher’s documents, the videos and the email. However, group tasks were the worst rated. To conclude, it can be observed a high use of the VC and that the students considered its contents to be useful and worth.References
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