Crisi, agonia i fi de la monarquia liberal (1914-1923)


  • Francisco J. Romero Salvadó University of Bristol


Liberalism, Social violence, Revolution, Reaction, Labour movement, Praetorian intervention


This essay examines the fi nal years of the Liberal Monarchy in Spain and the reasons for its crisis, agony and demise. It explores an era of revolution and reaction that started in the years 1916-17. This was a period during which in the face of unprecedented mass social protest and political mobilisation, Spain’s governing elites were unable to retain their leadership of political society and were fi nally toppled by a military coup in 1923. The central focus of this study is on the increasingly violent
social confl ict and political turmoil that gathered momentum after the First World War and whose fi nal outcome would be the civil war a generation later.


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Author Biography

Francisco J. Romero Salvadó, University of Bristol

Llicenciat en Història Contemporània i Ciències Polítiques en el Royal Holloway and Bedford New College (London University) el 1989. Aconseguí el doctorat de la London University el 1994. En l’actualitat és professor titular amb categoría senior (Senior Lecturer) a la Bristol University. Anteriorment fou professor en Queen Mary College (1991-94) i London Metropolitan University (1994-2005). Ha escrit en particular sobre la Primera Guerra Mundial, la crisi del liberalisme espanyol i els orígens de la Guerra Civil espanyola: Spain, 1914-1918; Between War and Revolution, Routledge, 1999 (traduïda al castellà per l’editorial Crítica, 2002); The Spanish Civil War; Origins, Course and Outcome, Macmillan, 2005; i Foundations of Civil War; Revolution,Social Confl ict and Reaction in Liberal Spain, 1916-23, Routledge, 2008.




How to Cite

Romero Salvadó, F. J. (2013). Crisi, agonia i fi de la monarquia liberal (1914-1923). Segle XX, Revista Catalana d’Història, (1), 57–82. Retrieved from



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