Editorial policies

Open access policy

Segle XX, revista catalana d’història provides immediately, upon publication, free access to the full texts of all its contents. Once published, authors can post a copy of the articles in their websites and in institutional or subject repositories providing acknowledgment is given to the original source.

Segle XX, revista catalana d’història explicitly declares that it will not collect any type of fees for sending or editing process to the authors.

Statement of ethics and good practices

SEGLE XX, revista catalana d’història adheres to the Declaracion of publishing ethics and best practices for scientific journals published by the University of Barcelona.

The University of Barcelona promotes the publication of open access digital journals and ensures the transmission of quality and rigorous scientific knowledge. Likewise, it undertakes to guarantee the ethics of the articles it publishes, taking as a reference the ‘Code of conduct and good practices for editors of scientific journals’ defined by the Publication Ethics Committee (COPE), which can be consulted in the COPE Core Practices. It is essential that all parts involved in the editing process—directors, evaluators and authors—know and abide by the principles of this code.

Editorial team

Takes responsibility for the decision on whether to publish articles received in the journal, which are reviewed without regard to race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, country of origin, citizenship, or political views of the authors.

It publishes updated guidelines on the responsibilities of the authors and the characteristics of the works sent to the journal and on the arbitration system used to select the articles and the evaluation criteria that external evaluators must apply.

It agrees to publish the necessary corrections, clarifications and apologies if it deems it appropriate, and not to use the articles received for its own research work without the consent of the authors.

It guarantees the confidentiality of the evaluation process: the anonymity of the evaluators and authors, the content that is evaluated, the report issued by the evaluators and any other communication made by the committees (editorial, advisory and scientific). Likewise, it maintains confidentiality in the event of possible clarifications, claims or complaints that an author wishes to send to the journal’s committees or to the reviewers of the article.

It declares its commitment to the respect and integrity of the works that have already been published.

It is especially strict regarding plagiarism: texts identified as plagiarism will be removed from the journal or will be never published. The magazine acts, in these cases, as quickly as possible.

The authors

They are responsible for the content of their paper.

They undertake to inform the directors of the journal if they detect a relevant error in one of their published articles, so that the appropriate corrections can be made.

They warrant that the article and associated materials are original and do not infringe the copyrights of third parties. In case of co-authorship, they must justify the consent of all the affected authors for the final version of the article to be published in a UB journal.

The evaluators/reviewers

They undertake to carry out an objective, informed, critical, constructive and impartial review of the article. The acceptance or rejection is based solely on the relevance of the work, its originality, interest and compliance with the style and content standards indicated in the editorial criteria.

They respect the established deadlines (if it is not possible, they must notify the journal’s editors well in advance).

They do not share, disseminate or use the information of the articles submitted for review without the corresponding permission of the director and/or the authors.

Conflicts of interest

In order to resolve possible conflicts of interest for editors, authors and reviewers during the process of editing and publishing the journal, it is established the following:

Publishers must:

Detect and avoid possible conflicts of interest.

All journal editors must prepare a list of possible conflicts of interest. Disclosed interests include, but are not limited to, past and current employment and engagements in organizations and partnerships.

A journal editor cannot oversee the editorial process of an article or an author with conflicting interest.

If a conflict of interest is detected, journal editors will follow the COPE guidelines and similar resolved conflict of interest cases.

The authors must:

Explicitly declare that there are no conflicts of interest that could have influenced the results obtained or the proposed interpretations. Authors must also explicitly indicate in the article the sources of funding received for their research (if any).

The reviewers must:

Do not evaluate articles which may imply for them a conflict of interest.

Plagiarism Detection

Segle XX, revista catalana d’història adopts systems to detect plagiarism, using Internet search engines and free software such as Plagium and Plagiarism Detector. It also has the possibility of using the Urkund software, which the University of Barcelona has made available to its journals.

If any case or indication of plagiarism, repeated covert publications, fraudulent material, improper conduct, bad practices, etc. are detected, it will be taken into consideration and the appropriate measures will be adopted, including the elimination of works already published.

The authors are responsible for guaranteeing that the article is original and unpublished and has not been previously published in whole or in part, nor is it in the selection process in another journal or dissemination platform. In the case of including in the manuscript references to content that has been published or that has been disseminated previously conferences, congresses, etc.), it must be expressly indicated. The article sent to be evaluated for its publication must not be redundant or duplicate or correspond to fragments (fragmentation , «salami publication ») of a main investigation. According to the commitment acquired by the journal, the action protocol in cases in which plagiarism or self-plagiarism is detected, Segle XX, revista catalana d'història will follow the guidelines of the Committee on publication Ethics (COPE) and the Code of Ethics for Integrity and Good Practices of the University of Barcelona.

Editorial policy on citing funding sources in published articles

Segle XX, revista catalana d'història, recommends the inclusion of references to the research project within the framework of which the publication is presented, as well as express recognition of institutions, entities, people, etc. that have provided economic support, promoted or facilitated the investigation.

Equality and diversity policy

Segle XX, revista catalana d’història is committed to the use of an inclusive, respectful and stereotype-free language. The indications in this regard are included in the APA guidelines regarding the use of bias-free language.

One requirement is to inform in the articles whether the source data of the research takes gender into account, in order to allow the identification of possible differences.

Authors who submit papers for consideration by the journal, which have been carried out with data including the sex variable, are recommended to report whether the conclusions have taken possible differences between the sexes into account. The use of inclusive and non-sexist language is also recommended. In relation to the objective of taking gender into account in all phases of the research process, Segle XX, a catalan journal of history, asks authors to report on gender and present disaggregated results in research carried out on people.

Segle XX, revista catalana d'història, calls for inclusive language free of bias and stereotypes to be used in essays, research papers, debates and reviews, recommending the use of non-discriminatory terms following APA standards 

Guidelines for the use of gender-inclusive language from the United Nations:  (Spanish) (English) For more information, it is also recommended to consult the manual prepared by the European Community "Gender in research" for equal opportunities for men and women and that takes into account gender in the contents of research.

Digital Preservation Policy

The published contents are available online in reproducible files (PDF and HTML -from nº 15, 2022-). The journal is part of the scientific journals of the University of Barcelona, RECUB. In addition, the content of Segle XX, revista catalana d’història is replicated in the institutional repository of the University of Barcelona  and in the cooperative repository of scientific journals RACO (Catalan Journals with Open Access).

DOI (Digital Object Identifier) and preservation of digital files DOI is assigned to published articles and for their digital preservation they are hosted in the institutional repository of the University of Barcelona and other databases such as DIALNET.

Storage. Digital Preservation Policy: PKP Preservation Network (PN) provides the journal with free preservation services.

Interoperability protocol

Segle XX, revista catalana d'història, implements the OAI-PMH protocol (Open Archives Initiative Protocol for meta data Harvesting), which enables databases, open access digital repositories, content aggregators and harvesters (harvesters) can access and collect the metadata of the published content to be available in other international databases and catalogues. This feature can be checked in here.

The website is accessible and complies with level AA of WCAG 2.1. The website where the journal's contents are published and accessible is at OJS, which has implemented the international web standard regarding accessibility in the OJS standard: the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 and 2.2. Level AA 

Content dissemination policy

Segle XX, revista catalana d'història, through a rigorous editorial process and peer review evaluation, ensures the maintenance of the quality of the contents such as essays and research articles of high value and relevance. Its periodic dissemination campaigns include sending information published on its social networks such as Facebook and Twitter and the broadcast of Podcasts. Periodically, the impact, citations, presentation of content in discussion forums, positioning in Internet search engines, etc. are analyzed.

The contents of the journal are freely accessible with the support of the platform based on Open Journal System (OJS) that allows both the operation of its management and administration as well as the promotion of the visibility and dissemination of research articles, debates and published reviews.

Segle XX, revista catalana d'història, encourages authors, in order to enhance the visibility and dissemination of the contents, to provide a summary with the main conclusions of the article as well as a text of a maximum of 260 characters including spaces and hashtags to share the content on social networks.

Metadata transfer protocol to open access repositories and content aggregators. The journal provides an OAI-PMH interface (Open Archives Initiative – Protocol for meta data Harvesting) that allows its website content to be harvested by other distribution systems, such as digital repositories and harvesters, and made available in other international databases and catalogues.

Editorial Policy for handling complains and claims 

Segle XX, Catalan magazine of history, and its editorial team will study and respond promptly to complaints and claims that may be received, taking into consideration the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) recommendations in this regard and maintaining confidentiality. Communications must be directed directly to the journal's contact email, indicating the reason and the reasons in a clear and concise manner and including the data and evidence necessary to have information, proceed with analysis and respond within a maximum time of 30 days.

If it is a complaint or claim outside the scope of the journal's statement of ethics and good editorial practices, a response will be given in that sense indicating the reasons why it is not considered the responsibility of the journal.

Communications received of an offensive, disqualifying, threatening or defamatory nature will not be taken into consideration.


Cipriano Garcia Foundation