A postcolonial gaze on monumentality: the need for interdisciplinary approaches
Paraules clau:
Public Art, Urban Design, Civic Participation, Urban Regeneration, Urban GovernanceenResum
This article is a reflection on a master thesis. The article tries to unravel some of the interdisciplinary keys present in the work and necessary for the development of research on Public Space and Public Art. At the same time argues in favor of “post colonial” reading over the-produced space by the colonial powers, both in terms of its structural dimension and in the dimension of “decorum”.Descàrregues
Com citar
Leal, Cunha, and Antoni Remesar. 2012. “A Postcolonial Gaze on Monumentality: The Need for Interdisciplinary Approaches”. on the w@terfront. Public Art.Urban Design.Civic Participation.Urban Regeneration, no. 20 (March):5-10. https://revistes.ub.edu/index.php/waterfront/article/view/18749.

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