To access to manage the symbolic dimension. A citizen right




Public Space, Public art, Co-design, Citizen participation, Bon Pastor, Barcelona


To give meaning to urban space is one of the most relevant activities to allow its conversion into public space, in turning sites into places. For this, it is essential to expand the concept of “accessibility” to the level of “symbolic accessibility” and understand it as one of the new urban rights.

The article develops the concepts of “symbolism a priori” and “symbolism a posteriori” as intervention strategies of meaning of the public space. The first responds to the usual operations from the administration, the second to the popular processes of appropriation of space.

Analysing the experience of creative participation - today in progress - in the Barcelona neighbourhood of Bon Pastor, the article raises the possibility of creating a meeting place between the two types of symbolism, through processes of co-production of public space, specifically its co-design.

Author Biographies

Antoni Remesar, CR POLIS- CRIT Research Group. Universitat de Barcelona

Professor at the University of Bacelona. Director of CR POLIS. IP of the HAR2017-88672-R project. Coordinator of the Master's Degree in Urban Design: Art, City, Society. Member of the consolidated research group CRIT (Innovation Creation and Urban Transformation) of the University of Barcelona. He has coordinated the doctoral program Espacio Público y Regeneración Urbana of the University of Barcelona (1999 – 2017) and has been Vice-Dean of Research and Postgraduate (2006-2016). He has directed 32 PhD theses and 10 competitively funded research projects on Public Art, Urban Design, Urban Regeneration.

Javier Vergel Faro, CR POLIS- CRIT Research Group. Universitat de Barcelona

Technical engineer in Industrial Design. Master's Degree in Urban Design from the University of Barcelona. Researcher hired in the HAR2017-88672-R project. Researcher of the Consolidated Group CRIT (Creativity Innovation Urban Transformation). Researcher at the POLIS Research Center at the University of Barcelona


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How to Cite

Remesar, Antoni, and Javier Vergel Faro. 2020. “To Access to Manage the Symbolic Dimension. A Citizen Right”. on the w@terfront. Public Art.Urban Design.Civic Participation.Urban Regeneration 62 (7):39-56.

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