Being, knowing and know-how: the skills of the professor from the training mode of "Classrooms Open to Professionalization (AOP)"


  • Montserrat Payà-Sánchez Universitat de Barcelona
  • Núria Obiols-Suari Universitat de Barcelona
  • Begoña Piqué-Simón Universitat de Barcelona



University education, Primary education, Professional competencies, Role of professor


During the academic courses between 2008 to 2012, and in two subjects of the first course of the old and new degree of Early Childhood Education, of the University of Barcelona, ​​there was implemented AOP modality, based on a joint work between university and schools, and in the incorporation of reflective practice strategies to provide theoretical and practical training necessary for the development of the profession of teacher.  From this learning environment has deepened on those skills that the college student considers important for carry out in practice and has led teacher, both to existing teachers and university professors, to question what their key role and carrying it out.  This study was conducted in the context of research "Classrooms open to the professionalization (AOP): analysis of its impact on identity and skills of the professor" (REDICE 1002-29), of which she was principal investigator Begoña Pique. This article provides the professional skills by students and teachers, as well as considered appropriate to establish relationships between theoretical knowledge and practical knowledge in Early Childhood Education Degree

Author Biographies

Montserrat Payà-Sánchez, Universitat de Barcelona

Professora Titular de la Universitat de Barcelona, Departament de Teoria i Història de l’Educació, i membres del Grup Consolidat de Recerca d’Educació Moral (GREM), Barcelona. Coordinadora i membre del Grup d’Innovació Docent Innova-the Barcelona.

Núria Obiols-Suari, Universitat de Barcelona

Professora Titular de la Universitat de Barcelona, Departament de Teoria i Història de l’Educació, i membres del Grup Consolidat de Recerca d’Educació Moral (GREM), Barcelona. Coordinadora i membre del Grup d’Innovació Docent Innova-the Barcelona.

Begoña Piqué-Simón, Universitat de Barcelona

Professora Titular de la Universitat de Barcelona, Departament de Didàctica i Organització Educativa, i membre del Grup Consolidat de Recerca Entorns i Materials per a l’Aprenentatge (EMA).


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How to Cite

Payà-Sánchez, M., Obiols-Suari, N., & Piqué-Simón, B. (2013). Being, knowing and know-how: the skills of the professor from the training mode of "Classrooms Open to Professionalization (AOP)". REIRE Revista d’Innovació I Recerca En Educació, 6(1), 10–33.



Research Articles