The briefcase or the learning folder in Nursing like instrument for a reflexive and critical learning: An exportable experience to some other disciplines




Learning portfolio, Portfolio at university, Learning folder, Reflective paradigm, Nursing teaching, Significant learning


The experience that is handed in takes place at the School of Nursing and Podiatry of the University of Barcelona. Since 2003 until now, I organize the subject about nursing basics with briefcase or learning folder (LF) in a group of nursing teaching, the subject is main, of first semester and 13,5 credits are assigned it. The educational improvement stems from the belief that the change in the assessment, understood as essential in the learning model, entails a change in the learning as well as in its idea and in the relationships that establish in the seminar room. This is how it is expected to go from a standard educational paradigm to a reflexive and critical one. In the article the subject is placed in the education, a theoretical argumentation is made about reason of the LF change and choice, the organization of the subject is described with LF and the characteristics, to end up making a reflexive analysis of the advantages and difficulties of an isolated change in a traditional institution.


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