Streaming in the Social Education Grade. Assessment of an experience


  • Lucía Amorós Poveda



Streaming, Televisision, Innovation, University


This paper shows a streaming technology experience carried out in the group of 2nd year of the Degree in Social Education at the University of Murcia (Spain). Firstly, it contextualizes the experience in the subject taught at the Faculty of Education, based on the teaching guide. Its aim is to promote student participation, which permeates the mood of the social educator, assuming the problems surrounding the digital divide. Secondly, the term streaming is reviewed in its applications and the impact on learning as well. Thereby the problem is addressed and resolved through the audiovisual broadcasting on an economically sustainable web TV.

Finally, as a conclusion, the experience will be evaluated. Assessment is based on the subject, with a point of view of the roundtable streaming in order to promote teaching improvement. The student participation rate was high (100%) while they were applying competency-based learning.


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