Missió impossible: l’ambaixada republicana a Washington (1936-1949)


  • Soledad Fox Maura Williams College, Massachusetts University


Fernando de los Ríos, Spanish Republic, Embassy of Spain in Washington, Exile, International relations


When the Spanish Civil War broke out, the Spanish Republican intellectual and politician Fernando de los Ríos was sent to Washington as Spain’s ambassador. In this role, he worked to publicize the cause of the Spanish Republic to politicians and the American public, and involved people throughout the United States in fundraising for Spain. His ambition was to convince the American government to abandon their «non-intervention» policy and sell arms to the Spanish government. This was a very clear goal for de los Ríos, and it seemed logical that the United States —a democracy, after all— would eventually come to realize the error of «non-intervention». For three long years the ambassador thought he was on the verge of achieving a reversal in US policy towards Spain. It seemed that President Roosevelt and other American politicians sympathized with the Republic; it seemed that the news of German and Italian participation in the war against the Republic had shocked Americans. Even the First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt berated her husband over his policy in Spain. During three years Fernando de los Ríos did his best to plead the Republican cause, and the American government’s consistent response was to be understanding, polite, and immovable. This article analyzes the obstacles de los Ríos faced, and situates them in the cultural and political context of the US in the 1930s.


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Author Biography

Soledad Fox Maura, Williams College, Massachusetts University

Catedràtica al Williams College de la Universitat de Massachusetts, és especialista en la Guerra Civil espanyola, l’exili republicà i les relacions entre Espanya i els EUA durant els anys trenta. Ha estat becada per la Comissió Fulbright i ha col·laborat com a investigadora visitant amb l’Institut d’Història del CSIC a Madrid. És autora dels llibres Constancia de la Mora: esplendor y sombra de una vida española del siglo XX (2008) i Flaubert and Don Quijote: The Influence of Cervantes on Madame Bovary (2009). Ha estat coautora de llibres com Al servicio de la República. Diplomáticos y Guerra Civil (Ángel Viñas, ed.), Unearthing Franco’s Legacy: Mass Graves and the Recovery of Historical Memory in Spain (Carlos Jerez Ferrán i Samuel Amago, eds.), El exilio español en Estados Unidos (Sebastiaan Faber i Cristina Martínez-Carazo, eds.). Ha participat en col·loquis i seminaris sobre la Guerra Civil a la London School of Economics, la Universitat de Nova York, el CSIC, la Universitat Complutense de Madrid i la Universitat de Salamanca. En l’actualitat prepara una biografia sobre Jorge Semprún.


How to Cite

Fox Maura, S. (2014). Missió impossible: l’ambaixada republicana a Washington (1936-1949). Segle XX, Revista Catalana d’Història, (4), 35–55. Retrieved from https://revistes.ub.edu/index.php/segleXX/article/view/9843



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