Els moviments veïnals a Roma durant el cicle de protesta italià (1968-1976)


  • Noemí Alonso García Università degli Studi di Cassino


Collective action, protest cycle, political changes, neighborhood movement, Roma


The article undertakes a study of the neighbourhood movements that took place in Rome between 1968 and 1976. The features of these movements are firstly tackled, describing the changes in their theoretical formulations, their claims, their organizational structures and, above all, their ways of action. On the other hand, we also try to outline an explicative model that takes into account the possible factors conditioning the rising, decline and features assumed by the studied neighbourhood movements. We put a special stress, in particular, in dynamic variables of the social and political context, such as the political changes taking place during the seventies, those featuring the situation of the mid seventies, the rising of a protest cycle in the Italian society, and the behaviour evolution, of the political counterparts and allies, towards these neighborhood protests.


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Author Biography

Noemí Alonso García, Università degli Studi di Cassino

És doctora en Història Contemporània per la Universitat Complutense de Madrid, on va presentar la seva tesi, dirigida pel doctor Julio Aróstegui, amb el títol Los movimientos vecinales romanos durante el ciclo de protesta italiano de 1967-1976. Ha obtingut beques per a la realització de cursos de postgrau i de recerca a l’estranger, entre d’altres la beca CSIS-Roma (CSIC), 1997-1998. Ha intervingut en diferents congressos i ha publicat en diverses revistes articles sobre els moviments socials i la violència política a la Itàlia dels anys setanta. Actualment és lectora a la Università degli Studi de Cassino i professora contractada a la Facultat de Ciències Polítiques de la Universitat Luiss Guido Carli de Roma.


How to Cite

Alonso García, N. (2014). Els moviments veïnals a Roma durant el cicle de protesta italià (1968-1976). Segle XX, Revista Catalana d’Història, (4), 57–77. Retrieved from https://revistes.ub.edu/index.php/segleXX/article/view/9844



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