Guidelines for authors


The journal publishes articles and essays on Contemporary History of the 20th century from all geographical and thematic fields, and it is multilingual (Catalan, Spanish, English, Italian and Portuguese).

Segle XX, revista catalana d’història is committed to the use of an inclusive, respectful and stereotype-free language. The indications in this regard are collected in the APA guidelines on the use of bias-free language.

1. Originality

The articles submitted by the authors must be originals not previously published and not being evaluated by other publications. The Editorial Committee of the journal can also decide the Catalan edition of articles published in languages other than the official languages of Spain. Requeriments that research articles must meet.

To be published, the submitted texts must receive a favourable report in blind peer review, confidentially, by two specialists in the field who will act as external evaluators, and must subsequently receive the approval of the Editorial Committee. The editors undertake to make a decision on the publication of originals within 6 months. They also reserve the right to publish for a period of one year, in order to adapt the planning of the journal. Detailed instructions can be found in the section "Editorial flow: acceptance and rejection criteria, peer review and evaluation process".

2. Submission of proposals

Proposals to the Editorial Committee must be sent preferably through the OJS platform in which the journal Segle XX, revista catalana d’història is housed. All communications between authors, reviewers and editors will be carried out through the aforementioned journal platform.

When submitting, along with the article metadata, the authors must review the section "Submission preparation checklist" and record the following information:

(a) Title in Catalan, Spanish and English.

(b) Name and surname of the authors according to the order of signature with the identification of the institutional affiliation, indicating the city and the country. The author who makes the submission will be considered the main contact for correspondence, and if not identified, the first author will be assigned.

(c) Identification of ORCID number with updated and current information of each author.

(d) Institutional affiliation (including location and country) and email (preferably institutional).

(e) Three summaries of a maximum of 100-250 words in Catalan, Spanish and English.

(f) Five keywords in Catalan, Spanish and English.

The first page of the article must contain the information of the points indicated above.

A list of the bibliography used and a brief CV of each author (10 lines long, or 500-800 characters, spaces included), must also be attached.

Segle XX, revista catalana d’història, in order to make the scientific production of researchers visible in international indices and databases, recommends indicating their institutional affiliation and using a single form of standardized signature following the indications of the FECYT, as well as keeping the curricular and scientific production profile of the ORCID database updated. Likewise, to disseminate the contents of the magazine in social networks and specifically in their Twitter account, the authors are requested to provide two or three tweets that, including hashtags, have a maximum length of 260 characters.

3. Format

The text of the contribution must follow the APA publication standards. The file, in Word format (*.doc , *.docx or *.odt) anonymised, without including any reference to authorship, must be included as an attachment within the enabled field of the journal platform.

Submitted papers will use the Times New Roman font (size 12 for the text and size 11 for the notes and tables), and will have a line spacing of 1.5 and the text justified right and left without special tabulations. They must meet the following requirements:

  • Articles for the ‘Research and Essays’ section will have a length of between 10,000 and 12,000 words (without the title, abstract and keywords), including tables, graphs and appendices. The texts of the notes must not have more than 2,700 words.

  • Articles for the ‘Debates and dialogues’ section , between 11,000 and 11,500 words, including reference notes.

  • Articles for the ‘Reviews and readings’ section will have a length of 1,800 words in the case of reviews and 900 words in the case of reading notes.

  1. Citation system and bibliographical references

(a) Citations in the text

Footnotes must be inserted in superscript numbers and must be placed after punctuation marks where appropriate. The notes must be numbered consecutively and at the bottom of the page. The charts and graphs will also be presented numbered and in clearly reproducible conditions.

If necessary, due to the clarity of the abbreviations used, a list will be included at the end of the text developing the meaning of each of them.

As for the citation system, the notes will go at the bottom of the page.

If the quotation is literal, of up to 40 words, it will go within the text between quotation marks; with a higher number of words it will be inserted in an independent paragraph, with indentation and without quotation marks indicating the page number.

(b) Bibliography

Criteria of the University of Barcelona must be followed in the writing of the texts. These criteria can be followed fully or in specific aspects, in the different languages in which they are available (Catalan, Spanish or English).

Regarding the bibliography, the following examples should be followed:

Books with one author: Surnames, N. (Year). Title in italics: Subtitle. Editorial. DOI link.

Viñas, A. (2007). El escudo de la República: El oro de España, la apuesta soviética y los hechos de mayo de 1937. Crítica.

Book with 3 or more authors: Surnames, N., Surnames, N. and Surnames, N. (Year). Title in italics (Ed. No.). Editorial. DOI link. You must include all authors (up to 20 authors), and use ‘et al.’ when there are more than 20 authors.

Book with editor instead of author: Surnames, N. (Ed.). (Year). Title in italics. Editorial. DOI link.

Work published in several volumes: Surnames, N. (Ed.). (Year). Title in italics (Vol. No.). Editorial.

Book chapters: Surnames, N. (Year). Title of the chapter without quotation marks or italics. In N. Surnames (Ed.), Book title in italics (Ed. No., pages). Editorial. DOI link.

Gómez Roda, A. (2007). El fascismo, el “nuevo consenso” y la interpretación del franquismo. A Font, J. Història i memòria: El franquisme i els seus efectes als Països Catalans. Publicacions de la Universitat de València, 303-326.

Scientific journal articles: Surnames, N. (Year). Article title. Journal title (Volume No.), pages. DOI link or URL.

            Fontana, J. (2014). La nova historiografia de la guerra freda. Segle XX, revista catalana d’història (2), 107-119.

Díaz Sánchez, M. (2022). Una Barcelona de posguerra: migrantes, mendigos, refugiados y repatriados. Segle XX, revista catalana d’història (14), 155-177.

Published doctoral thesis (accessible by database, institutional repository or file): Surnames, N. (Year). Title of the thesis (Publication No.) [PhD dissertation, Official name of the institution]. Font. Link to database or file. https://xxx.

Contributions to congresses: Surnames, A., and Surnames, B. (Year, Start date-End date). Title of the contribution [Type of contribution]. Congress name. Place. / https://xxxxx.

In historiographical or theoretical and methodological articles, citations must be included in the text, for example (Chartier, 2007: 127) or (Chartier, 2007, p. 127), and will be accompanied by a final bibliography.

For the citation of primary sources, the archive will be cited first and then the file or box number, the title of the document, the place and the date. For example:

Arxiu Govern Civil de Barcelona (AGCB), File No. 17, Nota informativa de la Brigada Regional d’Informació, Barcelona, 25 April 1967.

At the end of the text of the article, the bibliographical references will be incorporated following the criteria of the DOAJ directory.

Example from the article:

El palimpsesto del Ensanche de Madrid

Luis de Sobrón Martínez, María José Muñoz de Pablo


BRAÑAS LASALA, M., 1996. “Chamberí dentro el Plan Castro. Anteproyecto y planos parciales”, XI Premios 1996. Urbanismo, arquitectura y obra pública, Ayuntamiento de Madrid.

DE CASTRO, C.M., 1860. Memoria descriptiva del Ante-proyecto de Ensanche de Madrid..., aprobado por Real Decreto de 19 de julio de 1860. Madrid: Imp. de D. José C. de la Peña, Madrid.

DE SOBRÓN, L., 2015. Al este del Retiro. PhD dissertation, ETSAM-UPM.

DE SOBRÓN, L., 2016. “La forma urbana de la ciudad obrera en el anteproyecto del Ensanche de Madrid”. Actas del I Congreso Hispánico ISUF-H, Toledo.

FRECHILLA, J. 1989. La construcción del Ensanche de Madrid. PhD dissertation, ETSAM-UPM.

MUÑOZ DE PABLO, M.J., 2008. Chamberí, s. XIX. Trazas en la ciudad. PhD dissertation, ETSAM-UPM.

5. Information about the supplementary files by the journal,  with a description of their content, format and extension (supplementary materials and data files). Figures, tables, graphs, photos and images are allowed embedded in the manuscript for the purposes of evaluating the article. Once approved, copies of the same in EPS, TIFF or JPG format will be sent, together with the final version of the text, with a minimum quality of 300 dpi to improve its resolution in the version for the layout.

The authors and authors can send complementary material to support the research carried out or if it is requested in the evaluation process, such as tables and graphs that can document specific aspects. These files will be incorporated in their original format (unlike the research work that follows the rules for authors), prioritizing the standards that facilitate their download (PDF) and visibility (HTML). The attachments will preferably be sent by incorporating them through the OJS platform of the journal in the main user page of the journal (active submissions in the summary section, within the "Sending" section in the "add a complementary file" option). Here the form will be filled in by entering the metadata, a brief description and other information such as the date of data collection, the source or name of the study that originated the data, etc.

Open science. Authors are encouraged to deposit supplementary material, at least the research data underlying the publications, in open access institutional or thematic repositories federated in the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). Likewise, it is recommended to establish a unique and persistent relationship between the articles and the complementary materials deposited in public repositories. The University of Barcelona makes available for these purposes the Dipòsit Digital institutional repository of the University of Barcelona . URL

6. Responsibility

The authors are solely responsible for the ideas and opinions expressed in the texts published in Segle XX, revista catalana d’història.

7. Information on the spectific contribution of each one of the autors in the published articles and research funding sources

Segle XX, revista catalana d'història, urges the authors to inform the magazine about the criteria chosen to decide the order of signature as well as the references to the specific contribution made by each one of them to the published works.

The following criteria (COPE) for defining the author of a research article will serve as a reference for the concretion of the contributions: that the author or author has contributed to the planning and development of the research, the original idea, the design and collection of data and their analysis, interpretation and presentation of results; who has participated in the preparation of the article, its critical review and the approval of the final version; that is capable of answering the questions that the research raises, ensuring the integrity of the content of the text and that its contribution is significant and of academic content.

Autorship identification ORCID®. The journal promotes the use of the persistent digital identifier as a system for the normalization of authorship.

Sources of funding for the research that has resulted in the published work. The funding agency(ies) and the code(s) of the project(s) must be indicated within the framework of which the research that has given rise to the research has been carried out. This data must be referenced in the article by the authors and will be included in the metadata that the journal stores.

The journal allows authors to deposit the final published version in open access institutional or thematic repositories within the deadlines and under the terms established by the funding entity of the published research.

8. Code of ethics and declaration of good practices

Segle XX, revista catalana d’història welcomes the Declaration of ethics and good practices for scientific journals published by the University of Barcelona (Catalan / Spanish / English).

The University of Barcelona promotes the publication of open access digital journals and ensures the transmission of quality and rigorous scientific knowledge. Likewise, it undertakes to guarantee the ethics of the articles it publishes, taking as a reference the ‘Code of Conduct and Good Practices for Editors of Scientific Journals’ defined by the Publication Ethics Committee (COPE), which can be consulted in the COPE Core. It is imperative that all parties involved in the editing process—directors, reviewers, and authors—know and abide by the principles of this code.

The ethical and good practice statement of the scientific journal Segle XX, revista catalana d’història, edited by the University of Barcelona, can be consulted here.

9. Plagiarism detection

Segle XX, revista catalana d’història adopts systems to detect plagiarism, and uses Internet search engines and free software such as Plagium and Plagiarism Detector. It also has the possibility of using the Urkund software, which the University of Barcelona has made available to its journals.

If any case or indication of plagiarism, hidden repeated publications, fraudulent material, improper conduct, bad practices, etc., is detected, it will be taken into consideration and the appropriate measures will be adopted, and may even eliminate works already published.

The authors are responsible for guaranteeing that the article is original and unpublished and has not been previously published in whole or in part, nor is it in the selection process in another journal or dissemination platform. In the case of including in the manuscript references to content that has been published or that has been disseminated previously conferences, congresses, etc.), it must be expressly indicated. The article sent to be evaluated for its publication must not be redundant or duplicate or correspond to fragments (fragmentation , «salami publication ») of a main investigation. According to the commitment acquired by the journal, the action protocol in cases in which plagiarism or self-plagiarism is detected, Segle XX, revista catalana d'història will follow the guidelines of the Committee on publication Ethics (COPE) and the Code of Ethics for Integrity and Good Practices of the University of Barcelona.

10. Open access policy and copyright notice

The published texts are under the Creative International License Commons (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)

The authors who publish in Segle XX, revista catalana d’història agree to the following terms:

(a) The author assigns all intellectual property rights to the publisher for the entire world and for the duration of the applicable current intellectual property rights.(b) The publisher will distribute the texts with the Creative Commons Reconeixement-NoComercial-SenseObraDerivada 4.0 that allows the work to be shared with third parties, as long as they acknowledge its authorship, its initial publication in this journal and the license conditions.

11. Privacy Statement

In accordance with the provisions of EU Regulation 679/2016 General Data Protection and current legislation, we inform you that the data provided in this document will be processed, as data controller, by the University of Barcelona.


General Secretariat of the University of Barcelona.


If you register as an author or reviewer, the purpose will be to manage the performance of the corresponding functions related to the journal Segle XX, revista catalana d’història in which you register.

If you register as a reader, the purpose will be to send you information about the journal Segle XX, revista catalana d’història in which you register.


Consent of the person concerned.


The university itself and the people in charge of the treatment, if any. The transfer of data to third parties is not contemplated, unless it is a legal obligation and in the cases necessary for the required attention, development, control and fulfilment of the stated purposes.


You may exercise your rights of access to your data, rectification, deletion, portability, limitation of treatment or opposition before the University of Barcelona, Secretaria General-Protecció de Dades. Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes, 585, Edifici Històric, Barcelona, 08007. Access to forms:

Additional information

Additional information can be found at the following links:

12. Digital Preservation Policy

Segle XX, revista catalana d’història is published using the OJS/PK. For more information click here.

In addition, the content of Segle XX, revista catalana d’història is replicated in the institutional repository of the University of Barcelona and in the cooperative repository of scientific journals RACO (Catalan Journals with Open Access).