Johanna Hamann.The difficult adventure of interdisciplinarity. In memoriam



Art, Public Art, Urban Studies


Artist. Member of the generation of Peruvian sculptors of the 1980s, along with Sonia Prager, Susana Rosello, Margarita Checa and Martha Cisnero leaves behind a remarkable and diverse production after almost four decades of work. Graduated in Art in 1985, with mention in Sculpture by the Faculty of Art of the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru. Master in Humanities, in this same university, obtaining the title in 2005 with the thesis The Body an unknown family member. Doctor by the University of Barcelona in the programme Public Space and Urban Regeneration with the thesis Public monuments in urban spaces of Lima 1919- 1930 (2011). Principal teacher of the Faculty of Art of the Catholic University of Peru. Researcher in several
research projects and member of the PAUDO network in Peru. Various individual and collective exhibitions.
She was not only an appreciated and respected collaborator. She was a great person and friend..



How to Cite

Remesar, Antoni. 2017. “Johanna Hamann.The Difficult Adventure of Interdisciplinarity. In Memoriam”. on the w@terfront. Public Art.Urban Design.Civic Participation.Urban Regeneration 53 (April):9-40.

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