50 x 63 50 volumes -50 volúmenes 63 issues - 63 números



Public Art, Urban Design, Civic Participation, Urban Regeneration, Urban Governance


On the w@terfront, a modest academic journal, has focused its activity to the research and dissemination of issues related to Urban Design with special emphasis on Public Art and Public Space; Urban Regeneration processes with their involvement in new forms of urban governance, especially in empowering citizens through the implementation of creative processes of participation.
Open to all kinds of external collaboration, we can not ignore that, over the years, it has nurtured the activity carried out by the Centre Polis Research (University of Barcelona), the development of various research projects funded competitively;the conferences and the seminars organized by PAUDO (Public Art and Urban Design Observatory) and the academic activities of both the Public Space and Urban Regeneration doctorate programme and the Master in Urban Design: Art, City, Society, taking into account that these academic activities have contributed to various European and Latin American universities a number of graduates that now are practicing academic and research activities.



How to Cite

Remesar, Antoni. 2017. “50 X 63 50 Volumes -50 Volúmenes 63 Issues - 63 Números”. on the w@terfront. Public Art.Urban Design.Civic Participation.Urban Regeneration 50 (1):7-37. https://revistes.ub.edu/index.php/waterfront/article/view/18670.

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