Teaching function in external placements: an analysis of the perceptions of agents, to improve the model


  • Ana M. (Ana María) Novella Cámara Universitat de Barcelona
  • Marta Venceslao Universitat de Barcelona
  • Anna Forés Miravalles Universitat de Barcelona




Teaching function, social education, Compulsory placement, Students, Institutional tutor, Academic tutor


The article addresses the teaching function in the compulsory placement of the Bachelor’s Degree in Social Education at the Faculty of Education of the University of Barcelona. The analysis is based on the perceptions of all those involved in this experience: students, the institutional tutor, and the academic tutor. This article forms part of research to examine the teaching function, in order to improve learning conditions and provide students with a quality educational model. Using a qualitative, understanding method, we identify aspects that can be used to formulate guidelines for improving the teaching function and the placement model. The study concludes that the foundations of the placement model should be co-responsibility and a consideration of what the educational activity is about, how it will be undertaken and the purpose it serves.


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How to Cite

Novella Cámara, A. M. (Ana M., Venceslao, M., & Forés Miravalles, A. (2016). Teaching function in external placements: an analysis of the perceptions of agents, to improve the model. REIRE Revista d’Innovació I Recerca En Educació, 9(2), 65–81. https://doi.org/10.1344/reire2016.9.2925



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