Design of self-diagnostic applications of economic sectors to support self-employment in the new European Higher Education Area(EHEA


  • Susana Marín feria
  • Margarita Carrillo Lopez Universitat de Barcelona
  • Francisco Llorente Galera Universitat de Barcelona
  • Elena Rico Gomez Universitat de Barcelona
  • Salvador Torra Porras



EHEA, Self-employment or self-regulating, Problem-based learning, Self-assessment, ICT, Computer application on-line, Business Statistical Analysis.


The aim of these applications, each focusing on different sectors of the economy, is to facilitate the achievement of one of the objectives related to the implementation of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), stating that the university educational process must be based on developing the students? continued and autonomous study (self-regulated/managed learning. Our computer-based learning is an instrument through which the student autonomously can self-assess the level of knowledge of Statistics subject content (A.D.E. degree from the University of Barcelona) through the analysis of a company located in a particular economic sector. In this sense, it can be understood as a teaching material on line based on problems (problem-based learning). With a dynamic structure, based on multiple choice questions, and incorporated as a module within the Moodle platform (used by the University of Barcelona), it allows a run on-line "of its content. Our tool is another example of how the use of new technologies of information and communication technologies (ICTs) can contribute enormously to innovation of the teaching and learning processes in the university context.

Author Biography

Salvador Torra Porras

Riskcenter-IREA, Department of Econometrics and Statistics




