When Instagram snuck at the university, visibilizing the invisible


  • Carlos Montero de Gea Universitat de Barcelona
  • Ivan Lara
  • Anna Forés Miravalles Universitat de Barcelona
  • Tania Lara




Social networks 2.0, Bullying, Social education, Instagram, Millennials.


Invisible Project has been implemented to the Grade of Social Education at the University of Barcelona, which the main goals to work have been its own contents from the subject Didactic Bases about Social and Educational action. Starting from reading Invisible, a literary work focused to make visible bullying, and then a social and educational intervention on a groups from a social environments who can feel invisible in some moments. Theses interventions have been shown and all the analysis of this project through social networks 2.0 (Instagram), as a communication way of millennials within university context, breaking in that way the dichotomy of theory and practice of curricular contents who has been worked at the classroom.

Author Biography

Carlos Montero de Gea, Universitat de Barcelona

Departament de Didàctica i organització educativa. Facultat d'Educació. Grau d'Educació Social. 


Professor associat de les següents assignatures: 


- Fonaments didàctics de l'acció socioeducativa. 

- Disseny i innovació de l'acció socioeducativa. 

 I coordinador de l'àmbit del professorat dins del Pràcticum I d'Educació Social. 


Atkinson, D. (2015) The adventure of pedagogy, learning and the not-known. Subjectivity, 8(1), pp. 43-56.

Moreno, E. (2018) Invisible. Nube de tinta, Barcelona.

Palacio, R.J. (2012) Wonder. La lección de August. Nube de Tinta, Barcelona.

Sein-Echalce, M.L, Fidalgo-Blanco, A., Alves, G. (2016) Technology behaviors in education innovation. Computers in Human Behavior, En prensa http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2016.11.049






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