Aplicación del modelo bioecológico en Educación Física en contextos de exclusión social
Application of the bioecological model in Physical Education in contexts of social exclusion
inclusive education, community intervention, physical educationAbstract
The objective of this research was to implement a Physical Education program based on the bioecological model, and to evaluate, through the opinion of the participants, the degree of interest and social benefit perceived by them. 151 students participated in this study, with an average age of 14.39 (± 1.62). They belonged to a secondary school in an area at risk of social exclusion. The program was implemented through four field activities: active recesses, inter-center activities, contact with local entities and activities in the natural environment. The results of the questionnaire result revealed
an adequate internal consistency (between α = 0.63 and α = 0.83) and they showed a satisfactory level in the two variables analyzed: interest and social benefit (between M = 3.78 and M = 3.94). Moreover, our study showed that the contact with sport organizations and the practice of activities in the natural environment are the most appropriate courses of action to work with adolescents, regardless of school grade and gender. It also encourages Physical Education teachers in socioeconomically disadvantaged centers to generate ecological environments that facilitate the dynamic interrelation of students. Therefore, our suggestion is to extend the classroom intervention towards community orientation.
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