Substàncies complexes, canvis d'estat i llindar de comprensió del model matèria a 2n d'ESO
Complex substances, changes of state and comprehension threshold of the model of matter in secondary school
modeling, model of matter, physics and chemistry, changes of state, mixturesAbstract
This research aims to study the influence of two instructional sequences oriented to the understanding of the model of matter. These sequences have been implemented in an 8th grade science course in a public secondary school in Catalonia. The first sequence addresses the changes of state between solids, liquids and gases. The second addresses the differences between pure substances and mixtures. They both follow the modeling cycle, in which students express, evaluate, review and apply their mental models about the internal structure of the matter. We collected the explanations of 49 students in two different moments of the sequences by asking them about which changes of state occurs when mud and paint become dry. We analyze if students can overcome the comprehension threshold necessary to explain these changes of state. The results show a positive effect in those students with an intermediate scientific competence level, but no influence in those students with a lower scientific competence level. Based on these results, we discuss the role of modeling activities as an educational strategy, and we point out some educational implications to enhance students’ learning process
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