Estrategias didácticas para la enseñanza de la geometría y dibujo técnico en Diseño Gráfico: Estudio de caso

Strategies for teaching geometry and technical drawing in the Graphic Design degree: A case study




graphic design, higher education, significant learning, geometry, technical drawing


The importance of meaningful learning in the university environment has been highlighted as a theory of the constructivist model that allows students to integrate prior knowledge, facts and experiences with what they have learned in class. This is supposed to promote a favorable attitude towards learning through the active participation of students and teachers while linking this knowledge with professional practice so students are provided with knowledge and skills for life. The present study proposes the use of this theory in the teaching of geometry and technical drawing in the first year of Graphic Design, a degree that brings together novice students of diverse secondary education paths and with little experience in these disciplines. They actually perceive them, in many cases, as unconnected for their training and professional practice. In this work, the applied didactic strategies, the products developed and the students' assessment of their active participation in the learning process are exposed. A case study has been carried out that made it possible to demonstrate the need to transform the didactics of these subjects, so that students can integrate this new knowledge and apply it to face the challenges of the professional exercise of graphic design.

Author Biographies

José Luis López Macías, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, sede Santo Domingo

Diseñador con Mención en Comunicación Visual, Máster en Diseño Gráfico Digital. Docente de la Escuela de Diseño, Licenciatura en Diseño Gráfico de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, sede Santo Domingo.

Mariuxi Viviana Aguayo Triviño, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, sede Santo Domingo

Licenciada en Docencia y Gestión de Educación Básica, Master en Psicopedagogía en la especialidad de Intervención psicopedagógica en Educación Infantil y Primaria. Docente de Posgrado, Maestría en Pedagogía del idioma Inglés en la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, sede Santo Domingo.


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Innovation and experiences