Desarrollo de la competencia argumentativa a través de la propuesta "Wonder Ponder. Filosofía visual para niños"
Development of argumentative competence through the proposal "Wonder Ponder. Visual Philosophy for Children"
argumentative competence, object-book, critical thinking, dialogical modelAbstract
It is necessary to foster argumentative competence (AC) in today's society, it being positive to begin in the early stages of education. Thus, it is interesting to know how different proposals would help to develop the students’ AC. This study analyses the oral responses of 23 students of 1st grade of Primary Education in a workshop of philosophical conversations with Wonder-Ponder. Visual Philosophy for Children (Duthie & Martagón, 2016), in order to empirically identify the key aspects of this object-book (Samperiz et al., 2020; Tabernero, 2017) in the development of AC. A qualitative and ethnographic research design was chosen according to the object of study. Based on the results obtained from the categorical analysis using the NVivo software, it is deduced that students develop their AC thanks to the graphic and objectual discourse that appeals to their vital experience and allows them to organize their ideas through manipulation, as well as thanks to the proposal and the mediator’s linguistic input. Therefore, the students' oral communication evolves from narrative thinking to the appropriation of argumentative language, which is built on the reader's interaction with the object-book and in conversation with their peers by sharing thoughts and emotions raised from reading.
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