Las entidades en el ApS: Un estudio para promover proyectos más participativos
Organizations in service-learning: A study to promote more participatory projects
Service Learning, University, physical activity and sports, social inclusion, organizationsAbstract
Service Learning (SL) has become a valuable alternative to promote university education linked to values of active participation and social responsibility, but it is essential that its contribution does not leave the organizations aside. The effects, benefits and impact of SL projects are not always considered at the same level as that of the students who develop the services in them. This deficiency is confirmed in the study framed in the I+D+i research project "University Service-Learning in Physical Activity and Sport. Opportunity for Social Inclusion (activat@s)" (PID2019-105916RB-I00 EDU), in which we try to respond to this concern, trying to listen to the organizations to know their point of view and get them to have a greater presence in the projects. In this article, after showing the importance of strengthening the active relationship with the organizations to achieve a coherent social transformation in which all the agents can be involved in the university SL at the same level, we explain the procedure carried out to design a research instrument to investigate how the organizations see the university SL projects.
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