Aprendizaje-servicio y centros penitenciarios: “Una experiencia brutal que te cambia la manera de ver la sociedad”

Service-learning and prisons: " A brutal experience that changes the way you see society"





Service-Learning, prisons, social responsibility, physical activity, gender perspective


This study presents the experiences lived by the students of the Degree in Sport Sciences and Physical Activity degree at the Institut Nacional d'Educació Física de Catalunya (INEFC). The aim of this work is to analyze the perceptions and beliefs of students of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences in relation to physical activity in prisons. The experiences of 3 academic years have been collected, with the participation of a total of 81 students (24 girls and 57 boys). The results of these experiences developed through the practices of the students of different subjects of the degree have allowed the students to develop life skills, such as values and social responsibility towards certain social groups. Therefore, the results of this study conclude with the detection of increased responsibility and social commitment of students towards a more just and egalitarian society.


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