On the move. Comparative sources for the study of the relationship between the labor movement and internal migration: Barcelona-Turin 1955-1969


  • Michelangela Di Giacomo


Turin, Barcelona, Inter Migrations, Labour Movement


The Paper aims to define how and if it would be possible to make an historical research that would compare the attitudes toward inner migrations of some relevant workers’ organizations in Italy and Spain. It analyses the cities of Turin and Barcelona during the Sixties and in the couples PCI/PCE-PSUC and CGIL/CCOO. In the first part, it describes the sources: archives and bibliography. In the second part, it sketches some hypothesis about how to use those sources and it defines the principal points of a comparison.


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Author Biography

Michelangela Di Giacomo

Doctora en Historia contemporánea en la Università di Siena, becaria del Institut d’Estudis Catalans, es ajunta en el Centro CISCAM de la Università di Siena. Se ocupa de historia del movimiento obrero, del comunismo, de historia de las migraciones e historia urbana en los contextos italiano y español. Ganadora del Premio de la Fondazione G.Spadolini/Presidenza della Repubblica y del Premio “C. Leuzzi” del Senato della Repubblica. Ha publicado entre otros trabajos en “Historia, Trabajo, Sociedad” (en publicación, 2013); “Diacronie” (2012); “Dimensioni e problemi della ricerca storica” (2011); “Studi Storici”, (2010); “Storiografia” (2009). Su primer libro va a salir para la Bononia University Press, Bologna (2013).

How to Cite

Di Giacomo, M. (2015). On the move. Comparative sources for the study of the relationship between the labor movement and internal migration: Barcelona-Turin 1955-1969. Segle XX, Revista Catalana d’Història, (7), 53–75. Retrieved from https://revistes.ub.edu/index.php/segleXX/article/view/11256



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