The internal and externalTransition in Spain as seen by the British Foreign Office (1975-1986). Between democratization, anchoring in the West and Gibraltar


  • Alan Granadino University of Tampere (Finlàndia)


This article analyses how the United Kingdom perceived both the internal and external dimensions of the Spanish transition to democracy between 1975 and 1986. Furthermore, it analyses how the dispute over Gibraltar influenced the perceptions and the attitudes of the British government vis a vis these dimensions of the transition. The article is divided into two parts.The first one consists of a brief summary of the interests and the cautious intervention of the uk in the Spanish democratization.The second part is based on primary sources, and it focuses on the British attitude towards the Spanish foreign policy.The combination of both parts sheds new light on the per- ceptions, interests and attitudes of the uk towards the changes that occurred in Spain in the 1970s and 1980s.What emerges is that, while keeping a cautious attitude towards Spain, the British government saw its objectives in the Spanish internal and external transitions fulfilled.The British government tried to promote Spain’s nato member- ship by being concessive on Gibraltar. At the same time, the uk did not hesitate to use the Spanish desire to join the eec as leverage for ending the restrictions Spain had im- posed on the Rock.Precisely this factor allowed the British government to dissociate as much as possible the issue of Spanish nato membership and the conflict over Gibraltar, while holding on to the goal of seeing the restrictions over the Rock lifted.


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Author Biography

Alan Granadino, University of Tampere (Finlàndia)

Alan Granadino es investigador postdoctoral en la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la Uni- versidad de Tampere (Finlandia). Actualmente trabaja en el proyecto de investigación “Foreign policy in Alliance or in Non-Alignment” financiado por la Academy of Finland. Granadino obtuvo su doctorado en Historia y Civilización en el Instituto Universitario Europeo de Flo- rencia. Sus intereses son la historia contemporánea de España y Portugal (especialmente las transiciones a la democracia y la integración europea de ambos países), la historia de la integra- ción europea, la historia de la Guerra Fría, la historia de la socialdemocracia y de la democracia cristiana europeas, y el estudio del modelo nórdico.


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How to Cite

Granadino, A. (2022). The internal and externalTransition in Spain as seen by the British Foreign Office (1975-1986). Between democratization, anchoring in the West and Gibraltar. Segle XX, Revista Catalana d’Història, (14), 178–196. Retrieved from



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