De campus universitari a temple de la marginalitat. El canvi social a les presons espanyoles durant la transició política


  • César Lorenzo Rubio Universitat de Barcelona (UB)


Franco regime, transition to democracy, mobilization, prison, violence


At the end of Franco regime, the imprisonment of dictatorship’s opponents became one of the clearest symbols of its totalitarian character. However, inside prison, political prisoners resisted by increasing their political activity. From 1977, as these prisoners were released thanks to amnesties, common criminals took over the mobilization and gain prominence in claiming their rights. In response to the serious problems that ordinary prisoners had revealed, the state approved a prison legislation reform, although it did not result in an improvement of the situation. On the contrary, during the first years of democracy, prisons were marked by material shortages, skyrocketing prison population and the perpetuation of a new type of interpersonal violence.


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Author Biography

César Lorenzo Rubio, Universitat de Barcelona (UB)

Doctor en Història per la Universitat de Barcelona i Màster en Gestió Cultural. És membre del Grupo de Estudios sobre Historia de la Prisión y las Instituciones Punitivas, amb seu universitària a la Facultat de Lletres de Ciudad Real. Actualment prepara l’edició de la seva tesi doctoral.


How to Cite

Lorenzo Rubio, C. (2014). De campus universitari a temple de la marginalitat. El canvi social a les presons espanyoles durant la transició política. Segle XX, Revista Catalana d’Història, (4), 79–106. Retrieved from



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