Approach to character strengths of social education students: profile of a sample




Skills, Character strengths, Social education, Virtues, Inventory of Strengths


Social educators’ training should focus on the development of interdisciplinary skills that enable them to function in different work contexts. These skills are closely related to the character strengths defined by Peterson and Seligman (2004). The paper reports on a cross-sectional exploratory study involving 30 students from the fourth year of the Bachelor’s Degree in Social Education at the University of Barcelona, academic year 2014-2015. We used the VIA Inventory of Strengths (VIA-IS) to determine the students’ strengths of character and compared them with the strengths described in the teaching plans. The results indicated that the VIA-IS can be used to assess the character skills that students acquire in a social education degree. Subsequently, the results of this research were collated with those of studies on students from other degrees and universities. In the discussion, suggestions are made to improve the teaching proposal for the Bachelor’s Degree in Social Education.


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How to Cite

Calderón, D., Forés Miravalles, A., & Gustems Carnicer, J. (2016). Approach to character strengths of social education students: profile of a sample. REIRE Revista d’Innovació I Recerca En Educació, 9(2), 48–64.



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