Recontextualizaciones y ensamblajes: ABP y matemáticas universitarias

Recontextualizations and assemblages: PBL and maths at University




problem based learning, PBL, technological mediation, modelling


A common problem in university mathematics education is the gap between formalism and abstraction and how these two are applied in a specific context, for example, in engineering. The competencies gained through learning in a PBL environment, such as the one found at Aalborg University in Denmark, cast light on how to bridge such gap. We analyse, in depth, two first year engineering students’ final project reports where mathematical tools are recontextualized and assembled in tackling complex interdisciplinary problems. The description and analysis of these cases allow us to illustrate the competencies that students gain when working on this type of project. We intend to show how students’ activity in this environment offers possibilities that go beyond the classic divide between formal learning and application.


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