Análisis de los conceptos asociados a la correlación y regresión en los textos de bachillerato
Analysis of concepts linked to correlation and regression in high school textbooks
correlation and regression, related concepts, definitions, textbooks, high schoolAbstract
The aim of this study was to analyse definitions linked to correlation and regression in 16 Spanish high school textbooks. The concepts of functional and statistical dependence, covariance, correlation, correlation coefficient, regression, regression model, lineal regression, regression line, determination coefficient and goodness of fit were identified as relevant. For each of these concepts, we study the way in which they are defined (either the operational or structural definition or by using examples) and their use within the topic of discussion. We concluded that the presentation is sometimes incomplete or, in part, erroneous. Also, some of them use concepts with the same status as other, nevertheless, are not equivalent.References
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Copyright (c) 2017 Carmen Batanero, Mª Magdalena Gea, Mª del Mar López-Martín, Pedro Arteaga
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