Design and validation of a tool to evaluate Physical Education and Language integrated learning tasks




physical education, CLIL tasks, evaluation tool, validation study, CLIL teacher training


This article describes the design and validation of a tool to evaluate physical education (PE) learning tasks in content and language integrated learning (CLIL) context. It is detailed how the tool was developed and then how its reliability and validity were tested by means of a five-phase validation process. A preliminary content validity test of the tool was conducted by five expert judges and yielded an inter-rater agreement of 89% and kappa index of 0.82. Subsequently, pilot testing of the tool was conducted and Cronbach’s alpha analysis was applied to the resulting data and it showed an internal consistency of 0.84. These results suggest that the instrument described here is indeed valid to evaluate CLIL tasks.

Author Biography

Josep Coral, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona


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