Diseños de campus virtual: descripción de la oferta actual en la enseñanza de las Ciencias Experimentales y su influencia en el uso por parte del alumnado universitario
Virtual Campus designs: Description of the current offer in Experimental Sciences teaching and its influence on university students' use
virtual campus, moodle, chemistry, experimental sciences, didacticsAbstract
Currently, university face-to-face studies massively use online learning management platforms as supporting software for teaching. This research, a descriptive and quantitative one, shows the current situation with regard to the materials offered in Virtual Campus for teaching Chemistry at a university educational level. To do so, the contents of 63 Virtual Campuses of first and second courses’ subjects belonging to six faculties of the University of Barcelona are analysed. In a second phase, the relationship between different educational designs and students’ motivation in the use of the virtual part of Experimental Sciences subjects is analysed. Results show that most Virtual Campuses are used as a simple information repository, being questionnaires the active learning tool most used. The most well thought-out designs favour the use of the Virtual Campus, being this factor as or more determining than the very presence of these educational tools.References
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