Aplicació de la metodologia de projectes de treball de llengua en els graus de mestre/a d'Educació Infantil i Primària
Language project-based learning methodology applied in the degrees of Childhood and Primary School Studies
project-based learning, integrated projects, language didactic sequences, advertising discourse, teacher training.Abstract
This paper presents a didactic experience performed in the subject Catalan Language for Teachers (1st year of the Degrees of Childhood and Primary School Studies) in Florida Universitària (campus attached to the University of Valencia), and that is part of the annual Integrated Project entitled: “We dream of the school we want”. The aim of the project is, in teams of 5-7 students, to prepare the advertising campaign of the educational centre in which students would like to develop their future educational action. This methodology allows interlinking theory and practice, working cooperatively and developing, in an integrated way, the specific competences of the subject and the transversal competences of teamwork, innovation and use of ICT. We believe that the interest lies in analyzing the application of the methodology of work projects of language in the specific field of university studies. Our objective was to verify whether these practices make it possible to advance teaching innovation and if they are an effective tool for increasing the motivation of students and for achieving competency and integrating learning, in accordance with the objectives that today’s society demands for future teachers’ linguistic education.
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