El teatro como recurso para afrontar los retos de la adolescencia

Acting: A resource to face the challenges of adolescence





theatre, adolescence, positive development, focus groups, qualitative methodology


The present study, using qualitative research methodology, tries to deepen in the implicit beliefs and perceptions that young people have about their experiences as active participants in theatrical activities. This paper is part of a research project (Theatre and Young People) structured in several phases that combines quantitative and qualitative methodologies. A total of 53 subjects between the ages of 12 and 20 participated in the study. These were randomly distributed in 5 focus groups. The sessions were recorded, transcribed and later analyzed. This allowed the identification of categories, subcategories and thematic units. The results show that the adolescents’ main opinions and concerns on theatre tend to focus on the influence of theatre on their own personal development, self-confidence and emotional competence (individual level) and on the impact which dramatic activities have on their personal and empathic skills (social level). Finally, the results are discussed in terms of education, in relation to both curricular design and teaching methodology.

Author Biographies

Tomás Motos Teruel, Universitat de València

Profersor Titular (jubilado) de Didáctica y Organización Escolar, Facultad de Filosofía y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad de Valencia.

Director del Master en Teatro Aplicado, Universidad de Valencia

Vicente Alfonso-Benlliure, Universitat de València

Departamento de Psicología Evolutiva y de la Educación, Univertitat de Vaència


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