Una proposta per prevenir l'assetjament escolar en les classes d'Educació Física basada en el model pedagògic cooperatiu

Preventing bullying in Physical Education classes based on cooperative learning





cooperative learning, physical education, bullying, education in values


The objective of this study is to evaluate the impact of a Physical Education (PE) lesson plan (LP) based on cooperative learning (CL) in the environment of respect, group integration and confidence. This LP has been implemented with a group of 1st ESO. To assess this impact, a case study has been carried out in which data have been extracted through the observation of the participants. These data have been classified into previously established categories by consulting the existing literature. The results show indications to affirm that CL increases confidence, interaction, integration and respect among students. Our conclusion highlights the possibility of linking CL with the prevention of bullying thanks to its potential to promote positive interactions among students.


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