Presencia de la formación en Artes Visuales en los estudios de Grado de Maestro/a de Primaria e Infantil
The presence of Visual Arts in training in Primary and Early Years Education degrees
visual arts, higher education, arts education.Abstract
The main objective of the present study is to evince the structure of the Primary and Early Years Education Teacher Training degrees. We intend to verify the presence of subjects with Visual Arts contents in the Teacher Training studies in the Valencian Community. In our contemporary society, it is necessary to study and analyse the current state of these degrees to obtain results that may help to improve the students’ training as future professionals in this area. Evaluating the initial training that these students receive, we can propose actions to improve their competence in the workplace so they will be able to provide a high-quality education and to understand their students’ needs. Without a realistic and substantiated contextualisation, it is difficult to interpret the role of Arts Education throughout the history and evolution of these degrees. We are interested in demonstrating the differences between university education and application in school practice as there seems to be a great distance between the political approaches of the Administration and the reality regarding the presence of Arts Education in the school curriculum.
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