Educación musical en el panorama español. Contexto, niveles y perfiles educativos

Music education in Spain. Context, levels and education profiles




didáctica musical, educación musical, formación musical, desarrollo sostenible


If we think about the current challenges of Music Education, we could think about employability and training as, currently, music is involved in all areas and contexts that we can imagine, transcending what some pure researchers would call the researcher’s ethical code. If we start considering the challenges for the 21st century as early as in the first quarter of this long-awaited century, there must be something that we did not do well when we set ourselves these challenges at the end of the last century. In this article, some proposals for the different scopes, contexts and educational levels are collected, where music is or should be present, not as an optional subject, but as an educational necessity. We review the current state of Music Education in Early Years, Primary and Secondary Education, music schools and conservatories, universities and other possible non-formal and informal education contexts


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