Una alianza entre los Objetivos del Desarrollo Sostenible y la formación de maestras en ciudadanía sostenible
Association between the sustainable development goals and and the training of teachers in sustainable citizenship
SDG, sustainable citizenship, teacher training, citizenship education, geographical training for teachers.Abstract
An initial training experience for primary education teachers is presented on the assumption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) with the intention that it becomes a training activity in sustainable citizenship. Within the different types of approaches used in citizenship education, and of which we present a brief summary, we focus on a sustainable citizenship which can come from geographic learning. The most social SDGs have been worked on throughout the course, with various geographic activities both in the classroom and in the city. We have worked on different topics such as poverty, food shortages, public space in the city, gender roles in the city, responsible consumer behavior, corporate responsibility, testimony of the peace and conflict in the city. By the end of the course, we have measured to what extent the knowledge on the SDGs discussed have influenced and changed the lifestyles of the students themselves, and therefore, if they contribute to more sustainable citizenship guidelines.References
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