Proyecto de innovación docente en geografía y educación ambiental para estudiantes con trastorno del espectro autista

Teaching innovation project in geography and environmental education for students with autist spectrum disorder




geography, environmental education, students with special educational needs, autism spectrum disorder, ICT, Scratch


In this paper, the design of an Environmental Education program is proposed for students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) through activities to be carried out with Scratch and taught thanks to Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). The main objective is to design and create multimedia materials to improve the teaching-learning process of students with ASD and contribute to their training to understand the current problems in relation to the environment so they can act responsibly and respect and care for nature. This teaching innovation project is organized in four main sections (initial approach, theoretical framework, methodology and design) that correspond to the phases followed to design the material. The results of surveys aimed at evaluating knowledge, interests and attitudes about environmental problems have served to design and develop a didactic resource adjusted to the socio-environmental reality, contextualizing it in a special education school in Ciudad Real, which can be extrapolated to any educational school. The situation that has caused the state of health alarm in Spain, together with the interest of students with ASD in electronic devices and ICTs, has motivated the planning of this educational intervention proposal resolved with the design of teaching materials for this context.

Author Biographies

Óscar Jerez García, Universidad Castilla - La Mancha

Profesor de Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales, Departamento de Geografía, Facultad de Educación de Ciudad Real, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha.

Claudia Vera Díaz, Universidad Castilla - La Mancha

Maestra en Educación Primaria, especialidad Pedagogía Terapeutica.


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