Propuesta formativa en STREAM: una aproximación a la perspectiva global desde Cataluña
Training proposal in STREAM: An approach to the global perspective from Catalonia
STREAM, 5E Model, early childhood education, primary education, secondary educationAbstract
As a result of the participation in the research project Standardization of STEM and Coding Trainings, within the Erasmus+ program, we analyze the situation of STREAM in Catalonia, considering the support actions, promotion and impulse developed from the administration. Based on theknowledge of the local reality and attending to the educational needs in a global context in which the research is inscribed, we point out the adaptation of using the 5E model, both as a strategy for the design of STREAM training actions and so as to facilitate the students development of activities. On the basis of qualitative international fieldwork, based on a combination of expert groups, case studies and analysis of best practices, we propose a training plan for teachers in STREAM and, from this, we propose three activities, which correspond to the educational levels of early childhood, elementary and secondary education.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Carles Lindín, Laia Coma, Yuly Vanegas, Carolina Martín-Piñol, Antonio Bartolomé

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