La interacción adulto-estudiante y su influjo en el desarrollo del input lingüístico y las capacidades humanas
Adult-student interaction and its influence on the development of linguistic input and human capabilities
interaction, linguistic input, reading, human capabilities, social construction processesAbstract
This text seeks to identify the influence of adult-student interaction on linguistic input, as the basis of and fundamental mediation in language learning processes, and the development of human capacities which support relationships and processes of social construction. To achieve this, some conceptual perspectives about linguistic input are presented, reading aloud is considered an important factor in adult-child interaction, evidence is displayed about the influence of input on the students' learning process, and the possibilities regarding formation and transformation of the interaction are described in terms of human capacities' development. This theoretical contribution corresponds to the pre-test phase of the research project La interacción espontánea del adulto con el niño y la interacción apoyada en la propuesta del recurso Espacio de Lectura (Adult-child spontaneous interaction and interaction supported by the Reading Space resource, 2020-2021) developed by the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana (Medellín/Colombia) and the Universidad de Barcelona (Barcelona/España).
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