Estaciones de aprendizaje en una clase de ELE en línea para adultos: Percepciones sobre sus facilidades y dificultades
Learning stations in an online Spanish as a foreign language class for adults: Perceptions about benefits and problems
learning stations, online learning, Spanish as a Foreign Language (SFL), language teaching for adultsAbstract
The pandemic has changed the educational scenario, defying teachers to use the technology to teach online lessons maintaining a learners’ centered approach. Therefore, it is fundamental to explore how to implement online methodologies such as learning stations, which have the potential to give the learners an active, autonomous and collaborative role in the learning process. This article provides a qualitative analysis of the benefits and problems that this methodology presented for a group of students and teachers who participated in two online Spanish lessons with learning stations tailored for these groups in a private context. To achieve this, fourteen interviews with students, four guided observation reports from teacher observers and the teacher's journal were analyzed. Attention to different learning styles and preferences, opportunities to make decisions and participate and collaboration were the most highlighted aspects of this methodology, while the main problems observed were planning time, time management, instructions, and number of activities. The experience shows that it is possible to implement the methodology of learning stations online giving a central role to the student
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