Aprendre a prendre poesia visual: estratègies i orientacions didàctiques
Learning to take visual poetry: teaching strategies and orientations
visual poetry, literary mediation, critical thinking, creative writing, metaliterary reflectionAbstract
This contribution focuses on the didactic potential of visual poetry. We introduce a synthetic historiographical review that underlines its patrimonial value, and we synthesize some essential contributions of the didactics of literature in this field. Five visual poetry workshops are presented; several critical incidents are documented and analyzed through clinical methodologies, which encourage a permanent review of mediation proposals. This reflective process enables answering three research questions, defining didactic orientations: Regarding the objectives and criteria that should guide the selection of visual poems to be read with children, we consider that a corpus should be chosen that shows eclectic rhetorical figures and strategies and that is representative of different eras, including contemporary times. It is considered whether visual poetry can promote reading strategies that can be useful for other contexts, and we argue that it enhances intermedial, metareflexive and critical reading skills. Regarding the promotion of children's creativity, we argue it is necessary to maintain the experimental and disruptive idiosyncrasy of visual poetry when it is transposed, so that the didactic proposals do not become imitative. Finally, we point out new lines of didactic innovation.
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