Andamiar la lectura y escritura de resúmenes en el área de Lingüística: Una experiencia con estudiantes del Grado de Maestro
Scaffolding the reading and writing of summaries in the area of Linguistics: an experience in the primary education degree
academic reading and writing, degree in primary education, educational action-research, scaffolding academic literacy, discursive practice of summaryAbstract
This paper aims to to present the process and results of the implementation of the Scaffolding Academic Literacy (SAL) model in the subject Applied Linguistics in Teaching, in the Degree in Primary Education at the Faculty of Education in Toledo. This implementation aimed to favour the development of students' discursive skills in written assignments and exams and was carried out in three cycles of action research, at the end of which suggestions were made to improve the didactic strategies that constitute it. Its effect was evaluated through a quasi-experimental pretest-post-test design and a non-equivalent control group focused on the analysis of the quality of the summaries written autonomously by the students. The summary discursive practice was used because it constitutes the last phase of the didactic sequence of the methodology, it simultaneously involves the development of reading and writing skills, and it is a very valuable scaffolding for the acquisition of university academic and disciplinary discourse. The main results confirm the effectiveness of SAL in this context and, specifically, show notable progress in the organisation of paragraphs and sentences, although not in the connection and structuring of information. Hence the need for further work to this end.
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